Sunday, November 25, 2007

As Real As It Gets__HW27

Riverbend. Baghdad Burning: Girl Blog From Iraq. The Feminist Press at the City University of New York, 2005. This book is series of blog posts by a 24 year old Iraqi girl who vents about the Iraqi war she and her family are in the middle of. First hand accounts of the war are exposed as she blogs when ever the electricity allows her too. She calls her self Riverbend and readers love her non mainstream blogs, unfiltered by media or politics. Speaking of politics, Riverbend speaks out about current politics as well as the day-to-day struggles that she encounters. Readers gain a true perspective of life in Iraq, the life that most never here about. Basically the picture of Iraq that is portrayed today is far fetched and more conservative then you would think. I will put it this why, Riverbed explains how she and her brother sit outside and can name the gun that is being fired solely by the noise.

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