Thursday, September 20, 2007

While Waldman is probably wrong that she stopped blogging because it was holding her back as a writer, she is right that blogging is a totally different writing style then when she writes novels. She claims that her blogging was taking away from her career as a writer, but it seems crazy to think that she couldn’t multi task and do both at the same time. I agree with her comment that she got used to writing in the blogging style and that it could have stated to overlap with her form novel writing. She seemed to get extremely involved in blogging and I feel that she isn’t the blogger type, mainly because most people would be able to put work and play (blogging), on different playing fields. Waldman also mentions that stay home moms feel inferior and the blogs are a great way for support. This is great, and I can understand way Waldman took such an eager interest in the blogosphere. The blogs make it possible for her to talk to other woman going through the same issues as her. I am worried at the fact that Waldman is expressing so much information and that she is letting too much insight into her personal life. She is week for exiting the blogosphere and not being able to handle both blogging and her writing career.

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