Tuesday, September 25, 2007

hw: 11 HODER.COM

Hoder.com is led by Hossein Derakhshan from Canada. He writes in both English and Persian and encourages Iranians to vent about the Iran government. There are a bunch of Persian responses on his blog I couldn’t read any of the comments because they were all in Persian. The posts are about Iranian pop culture, politics, and technology. Hossein blogs in a informative style at the same time giving his opinions on the topic. His comments usually contain crude humor in more of a conversation style using profanity and puns. There are a handful of Iranian commenter’s who are disagreeing with Hossein and giving their prospective as a citizen of Iran. The blog may have been created so that Iranian citizens could speak openly about their government but it seems to now be Persians disagreeing with Hossein and telling him what the government really is all about. Of course many will probably disagree with this assertion that all the comments are people contradicting Hossein, and they are right as well because many of the comment agree with Hossein. I didn’t see any comments that could have thrown a citizen of Iran In jail like the reading suggests but that doesn’t mean I don’t believe that I doesn’t happen. The Iran Gov. is way different then the American Government so I cant judge that.

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